- St Mark's Church
- Guildford Road
- Normandy, Guildford
- Surrey
- GU3 2DA
01483 811777
Email Us
If you have considered holding your wedding at St. Mark’s, it really is the perfect setting. The picturesque historic village church which is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year, is in a beautiful setting and has an impressive bell tower and lych gate. There are now many ways that you can be eligible to be able to hold your wedding here, so please don’t be afraid to ask.
We warmly welcome enquiries about getting married at St Mark's. To find out more about whether this might be possible please first visit the Church of England website which gives details of the legal requirements which have to be satisfied.
Please then do get in touch with the Vicar to explore the possibility further. It is a joy for us to marry people in our church. Should a wedding not be possible though, it may be that we can discuss the option of a Wedding Blessing in the church.
For further information visit: https://www.yourchurchwedding.org