St Mark's Wyke

  • St Mark's Church
  • Guildford Road
  • Normandy, Guildford
  • Surrey
  • GU3 2DA

01483 811777
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Supporting Our Church

Did you know it costs us around £96,000 a year to maintain and run our beautiful Church?  Did you know we are a charity and that we have to raise all that money ourselves?  While we would rather not have to discuss finances, during this pandemic people are no longer able to donate in church during services and our income has dropped dramatically.  Our church hall income has also been affected.  Therefore, we have to look at every possible way of raising money in order to maintain and run our historic church in terms of the building, churchyard and our church community.

If you are able to help us financially, there are a number of options:

1. By donating online, click here to go to Parish Giving Scheme

2. Regular planned giving, Please see the tab above

3. Legacies, Please see the tab above

4. Volunteers, Please see the tab above


If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about how you would like to support St. Mark’s, please contact our Stewardship Officer via the Parish Office on 01483 811777 or email
