St Mark's Wyke

  • St Mark's Church
  • Guildford Road
  • Normandy, Guildford
  • Surrey
  • GU3 2DA

01483 811777
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Church At Home Resources


Services on Sunday

Whichever service you join in with, one idea might be to discuss the service you heard or saw with a friend. What was meaningful for you? Was it the music, words in the readings or the sermon, the prayers or the style of worship?

  • 8.10am Radio 4, Sunday Worship
  • 9am Church of England’s website or facebook page ( you don’t need a facebook account for this) Sunday service
  • 10am Guildford Cathedral. Sunday worship. Guildford Cathedral, facebook page.
  • 10am St Martin-in-the-fields, Sunday Worship. Facebook page.
  • Worplesdon Parish, You Tube channel
  • 1.15pm Songs of Praise

Daily Services during the week.

We have audio-recorded Morning Prayer for each day see below.

  • Night prayer (Compline) for children and families please see below.
  • Daily Services/ Prayer on the radio:

5.43am BBC Radio 4 Prayer for the day

7:50 am BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex / BBC Radio 4

9.45am BBC Radio 4 LW Daily Service

3.30pm Wednesdays, 3pm Sundays ( repeat) BBC Radio 3 Choral Evensong

Prayer Resources

  • In addition to the daily prayer, there are more detailed readings available with reflections. This book we use at St Mark’s for Morning Prayer on a Monday and through the week is Reflections for Daily Prayer, as an app (£12.99) as a book (£16.99), published by Church House Publishing. A range of different theologians write the reflections and that’s one of the reasons why we like using it.
  • Prayers- For use during the coronavirus outbreak. Available to download at:

Daily Readings:

For those who enjoyed the #LiveLent booklet and app it is now changing to #Easter Pilgrim: The Lord's Prayer  A 40-day journey through the prayer Jesus taught his followers - one which continues to shape the lives of Christians across the world. You can also get the daily reflections sent to your  email inbox:


For Children and Families

  • 0-8yrs/ 10yrs.  Diddy Disciples-  Bible story themed worship with singing, podcasts on Twitter.
  • Build Faith website, lots of simple and inspiring faith at home resources.
  • Bedtime prayer service for children and families:
  • ·See  Bedtime prayer under the tab ‘Free resources’

·   A book called Candle Walk, Karin Holsinger Sherman- ends with compline for children and families at the back of the book.

  • Bibles for children. We use the Lion Storyteller Bible, Bob Hartman for School assemblies. For Family Tea we often use The Lion First Bible. For our teenagers and confirmation we use the Good News Youth Edition Bible.
  • A whole range of creative things for children to do around Bible stories and themes of the Christian church year. Includes downloadable sheets


Families & COVID-19

Resources to help parents talk with their children about the current situation:
Jane Whittington has created  5 interactive prayer and reflection activities. These could be used at home. It’s all on this Guildford Diocese webpage. Ideas for the whole family:

You can also listen to Reverend Alison's audio recordings of Daily Prayers by clicking on the link below...